Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Icebox Spirals and Bull's -Eyes Cookies

  1. Butter  -1 1/2 stick(3/4 cups) unsalted butter ,room temperature
  2. Sugar-1 1/4 cups
  3. Eggs-1(plus 1 egg white lightly beaten)
  4. Salt- 1/2 tsp
  5. Whole Milk-1/3cup
  6. Vanilla Extract-1/2 tsp
  7. Flour(all purpose flour)-2 1/2 cups ,plus more for work surface.
  8. Unsweetened Cocoa powder-3tbs
  1. Making dough:
  • Put butter and sugar in a bowl and mix with a electric mixer in low speed until creamy.
  • Add eggs and salt mix well.
  • Add milk and vanilla and mix until combined.
  • Add flour little at a time  ,(in medium -low speed  )    and mix until just combined
  • Remove half of the mixture set aside.
  • Add coco powder to the rest of the dough ,mix in low speed .
 2.  For Bulls's eyes:
  •   Rolls out 1/4 of chocolate dough on a lightly floured surface to a 12inch rod about 3/4 thick.
  • Transfer to a baking sheet and refrigerate for 20min.(or freeze it for 3min)
  • Roll out half of Vanilla tough on lightly floured parchment paper to 12 by 4 inch rectangle about 1/2 inch thick (it should be as long as chocolate rod and just wide enough to wrap around the rod).
  • Transfer to a baking sheet and refrigerate for 20min.
  • Brush the top of vanilla dough with egg whites.
  • Then place the chocolate rod along the length of vanilla rod.Trim the excess.
  • Gently pinch the dough to seal, refrigerate until firm about 20min.
3.Form Spirals:
  • Roll out remaining chocolate dough on a lightly floured piece of parchment paper  to 1/4 inch thick and 9 by 6 inch rectangle.
  • Roll out remaining vanilla dough on a lightly floured piece of parchment paper  to 1/2 inch thick and 9 by 6inch rectangle.
  • Refrigerate both dough for 20min
  • Brush egg white on top of each rectangle .
  • Then place vanilla dough on top of chocolate dough.
  • Starting at on elong side,roll up dough,Gently pinch and press the edge of the roll to seal it.
  • Refrigerate until firm,about 20min.
 4. Bake cookies:
  • Preheat oven to 350 F.
  • Cut logs crosswise into 1/4 inch thick rounds .
  • Lined the baking sheet with parchment paper and place the cookies 1 inch apart.
  • Bake for 12 -15 min ,until firm but not brown.
  • Let it cool on sheet for 3min ,transfer to a wire rack to cool completly.
  • Store cookies in air tight container .
Source -Martha  Stewart's

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