Saturday, November 6, 2010

Coconut Ladoo

  1. Coconut powder - 4 cups
  2. Condensed Milk - 1 tin ( 14oz)
  3. Butter - 1 tbsp
  4. Milk - 1 cup 
  5. Color-Pink,Yellow,Green (optional)

  • Empty condensed milk and milk into non stick or heavy pan
  • Add 3 1/2 cup coconut powder and mix well
  • Cook mixture on low heat, stirring continuously untill it leaves the side of the pan and forms a soft lump
  • Divide into four portion 
  • Add the desire color into each portion mix well ,I did it with pink,yellow and green (you can omit this step if you don't want to add color)
  • Let it cool little
  • Grease your palm with little butter
  • Make small balls with the coconut mixture
  • Roll balls on the left over coconut powder to coat evenly.

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